A Weekend Twist
I don't know if I am eloquent speaker, I don't think I am. I stammer when trying to get a thought out.(which is very debilitating if you talk for a living. ) I find myself in my work talking to clients and trying to find the positive find the strength, Solution based therapy? Maybe I never was able to fit into one system or utilize one type of technique in therapy. Every once in a while though I come up with a gem; and not always sure where it came from. Last night I was talking to someone struggling in recovery "to choose life in order to live " I don't think I can be that eloquent to put those words together. It had to come from somewhere. So I had to look it up, Well it did. I wasn't the author( I knew it!)
Who ever wrote the book of Deuteronomy was. It's Deuteronomy (30:19) The actual quote is
"Choose Life in order that you and your descendants may live"
Choosing life. can mean a lot of things. Knowing when to go into therapy. Knowing when to quit a job or a relationship. Knowing when to move from one location to another. Knowing when to say yes or to say no.
For those of us who have a faith tradition I want to add. I think there is a great lesson in knowing that God is acting even when we think he is silent and I have to tell you even as I write these words to you. I am needing them in my own life. That God very much is in control even when He is silent, Maybe even more so. Maybe I feel like God is being silent right now in the world and in my life. but I know I must choose life, we all must. Whether we have a faith tradition or not. we must all choose life in order to live. I am not sure what prompted me finding those words to say to that client. But I know I needed to hear them as well. My twist of gratitude today.
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